Sunday, December 5, 2010

when the children are unsupervised

I have been going through the photos of the year, and wondering as I look at these types of things.... WHAT WERE THE THINKING??

Then I learned,
because I was un-wise and asked,

this was a test to see how many pairs of underwear could be held by a ceiling fan before pairs of underwear started flying off
And while they were flying off, there was a game of
how many could you catch standing still?
And the winner was the person who caught the most pairs of underwear from the point they were standing...
This is the picture that proved how many pairs of underwear fit on the ceiling fan.
They thought it necessary to prove some sort of theory for some odd reason

Sometimes, it is better to remain in the dark
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Old school cruisin! Cruise The Koos

Cruz the Coos 2007 - Found on YouTube!! (We are at about 3min's in if you don't want to watch the whole thing.)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We were SURPRISED today with a phone call then a visit from a representative of the "TRIO" Program at SOCC (Our local Community College). 

Jordan Chandler LeBlanc is now a college student
accepted into a FULL RIDE Scholarship Program..... 
Committed to our local community college for his Associates Degree. 
The program is for High School Students who are exceptional in all areas of their learning. 
He will take a "full" load of classes each summer term, 
and then be assigned classes during his normal school year. 
(This means he will have classes at High School and College during the normal school year). 
The program will allow him to graduate from SOCC and NBHS in the same year. 

And oh ya.... 
Yesterday he was awarded "Distinguished Student of the Year" 
of ALL the students enrolled in the  North Bend ORCO School Program

Friday, June 11, 2010

Cinder-Ella and the Prince of Pollution

Posted by PicasaCinder-Ella and the Prince of Pollution
Written and Produced by Mrs. Demming
Video to be posted later

Friday, June 4, 2010

Overwhelming Barrage

We currently have a barrage of things going on at our house. Throughout end of April and all of May we had Janelle's sleepover (for her 12th Birthday), me going to Conference's for work and Wood Badge, Gracelynn's sleepover (for her 8th Birthday) - mixed in with doctor's visits and tests and school work and me working and walks and .... It seems like it's all a blur.

Well, now that we are into June I feel like it will probably never end. Here we go into the last two weeks of school, planning Summer Camps and visits with friends and more. Kids just don't ever stop growing - or going.....

So, is it normal for me as a Mom to feel unwanted and lonely? I do know that I am very busy with all this stuff right now. But when someone recently told me "We didn't ask 'cause we know how busy you are" I wanted to cry. Is that what people really think. That I am too busy to take time out for me?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tropidischia Xanthostoma

Found my new pet in the bathroom at the lab.....

A cricket, commonly named camel or cave
cricket. It has an almost 5 inch leg span, and is really really cool!!

We will find this handsome bug a proper home within hte next couple of days (as soon as we figure out where it is Really supposed to live!)

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Family Prayers

Not all of you know it.... and we have not expanded on ANY knowledge to the kids - or with a lot of people. So if you don't know, and care, you can call me. I am not going to go into any detail in this format.

So, what I want to share is that today we got very good news!! We will have a few more tests on Monday, but so far everything is good. If tests on Monday come back good the answer moves to check ups every 6 months, which includes detailed lab work including pathology if necessary to make sure there are no other changes.

All is well. We can live with this....

Sunday, April 4, 2010

catching up

As promised..... Catching up with what we have experienced during these weeks...

During Spring Break we not only had our appointments, time, and regular work: but the kids were out of school! So, what do you do with four children and a daddy at home while it's jsut raining?

You find out that this REALLY cool ship is touring and stopping in Coos Bay. You go down to the bay and find out tours of the ship are free!! So, when your a history buff, you hall all your kids down with you, two at a time, while your wife is at work. They enjoyed every bit..... More pictures will soon be online.
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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Have I told you lately that I do care?

Life has been too busy to notice...... Lost friends, lost contacts, and missing memories. It is true, I am trying to avoid the realities I will someday have to face. {yes Mom... I am also still avoiding the boxes} I have put more activities into my life and into my children's lives so that we are too busy to notice the rest. Better to stay busy. Better to keep the job/school/activities really crowded right now.

So, for right now, Forgive me if I don't talk enough, or don't call, or don't write, or don't share. I am blogging instead of talking because I don't have the emotional energy to call and tell everyone. I wore myself out on all the other stuff that happened today. Normally, I prefer not to have any energy to spend on the trials. Our trials are depressing. It is the major reason I don't blog what I do on a daily basis. It's all depressing.

No, I wouldn't trade. I had someone say "I wish I had your life." Crap. A whole load of it. We all have challenges in this world that God has given us for a reason.... and your challenges are not my challenges. And I would not want anyone else's challenges.
The Neurologist said just the other day that a "Normal" Person wouldn't be walking. So, I'm glad I'm not "Normal"..... What's normalcy anyway. I pay out the ying and the yang to make sure I am doing all my physical therapy so I don't have to be normal. Someday I won't have the ability to walk. How 'bout you?
A good friend said she would like her husband to do all the dishes and laundry and kids and work on the house..... I love that.  Her husband will remember that we need milk to go with the cookies he was sent to the store for. And that the kids have whatever going on in an hour..... Memory is a precious thing. Someday he won't know my name. How 'bout you?
As for the children..... I love them dearly. They are growing too fast. Patience is truly a virtue I was not born with. I am glad they do not stay teenagers forever. They don't know what they are missing.

Pithy stuff?

On the flip side, 
A perfectly healthy husband and father is in the hospital.... just had a massive coronary. No reason. Just up and fell over. Life flighted out. Thank God they have health insurance. 
A mother in our community just lost her six year old son due to complications after surgery to have tubes put in his ears. 

My tribulations are dragged out slowly. These families got blindsided. At least I know what's coming. I don't think I would be strong enough for that.

So - Who cares, right? I have heard through the grapevine that there are complaints that "I" don't keep in touch. Your right. Why should I? It's all about the "me complex" anyway. I don't have the same resources to travel, etc. Sorry. I make excuses that we don't have time. Truth is, we don't have resources. It's called money. I budget for a year (at least) for everything. Seems that those who think they are being pushed away are doing their own pushing. And now, I am missing that close relationship that I wish I had when I am sad/angry/alone/tired/and just plain done. I don't feel bad sharing the happy with a total stranger. Yes, I am sad about the choices others make. Yes, I am sorry that I don't make the time myself. It hurts if you choose to make those statements instead of pick up the phone. So, think about it. Do you really care? Or is the real reason much more shallow than that?

God gave me my own trials. I CHOOSE to spend my "spare" time being busy enough, so I don't have any time to Wallow in my Sorrows and Self-Pity. God gave me the strength and talent to HELP others. God did not choose to give me time to worry about someone else's sorry's. Sorry's are just Sorrows in disguise. 

The question is.......
Would you be strong enough to handle your neighbor's/sister's/brother's/father's/mother's/friend's trials? What about the trials written of Jesus Christ? For most of us (even me) the answer is no. And that means your not strong enough to handle mine.

A very good friend said to someone else "Michelle just needs a cause, and she'll wear you out finding the solution." I wrote this down. I don't remember what I was getting "praised" for, but I wrote it down because it reminds me that other people care that I care. I know there is always a way. It may not always be your way, or my way, but there is Always a Way.

..... God - I'm tired of looking for the solution to my own trials. Can someone else find one for me.........

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Family Updates: Feel free to print it out and pass it on.

I hate to hover over the fact that I don't think I have anything to write..... It is just plain old regular everyday life. Then again, I have to remember that my plain old regular life isn't anyone else's plain old regular life. And maybe it would be interesting to someone who might care. So, I decided to write a little about the past couple of weeks just like I used to write those family letters. Feel free to print it out and pass it on.

The kids are, as always, getting older and bigger. I came to a realization that they won't be around forever. No matter how much I think time will stay still...... 

Jordan has spent the last couple of weeks in and out of counselors, advisors, and etc.... Planning his next years (3 if it's up to him, for if the Mom has any say in it) of high school/college prep courses. 
I, being the Mom, am chauffeur.
He is planning on stuffing as many credits into his high school tenure as possible. In the course of planning, he has decided to drop band. I am a little sad about that, but when I heard of his plans and listened to his reasoning, I gave. {Yes, he had his dissertation all planned out before he talked to this Mom} He is applying for the scholarship funds to pay for summer term classes at our local junior college, and has his class load already planned out through the next five years. When I was "summoned" to our date to hear his "discussion" with me about what he planned, he said it would all work perfectly if only I "did not take a new job and MAKE him move"..... Scares me a little that my boy is growing up. Too old for my own good I guess. And yes, he knows EVERYTHING. 

Chauney is going forward with her plans in life to stay in sixth grade forever. We, as parents, have been told that none of her cloths stink, showers are only needed once in a while, and my favorite when she was assumed (a supposed rumor Janelle came home from school with) to be "going out" with a boy because she likes to talk to boys..... "If he said that I'll kick him to Kansas". (Made me feel MUCH better about the whole "boyfriend" subject.) Oh ya, kissing is "Disgustingly Groady"! 
Quite the athlete still, Chauney is known around school for winning contests in "Bull Pup" Assemblies (what we used to call Pep Rallies) and still renowned for beating the boys at their own games. Her recent injuries have become legendary - because even when she is hurt she still plays ball. She reminds me of her Uncle Landon in so many ways.... 

Janelle - Miss Priss - Queen of the Classroom - Cheerleader Extraordinare. Geno went to school today because Janelle was receiving a "Bull Pup" award for her reading and writing grades. This, was NOT COOL. Therefore, Geno stated that even though he was very proud of her accomplishments.... it was not a "good thing" that he had stopped by. 
Everything in Janelle's world needs to be her way - or - no way. This Mom, is waiting for this stage to pass...... if it ever will. 

Gracelynn is soon to be 8. She is also the Queen of the playground. How did I get two of these "popular" people?? I don't know how many people I told, so forgive me if this is a repeat for you. Gracelynn's last report card said she was a "wonderful student" and would "greatly benefit from learning if she would stop talking". It also stated that she "would not stop chatting no matter who she sat by". 
So, the end result and newest change is that her teacher, Ms. Ljokovic, called and said she was giving up, and that she was putting Grace and Rachael next to each other in class. When I asked her if she was sure, (Gracelynn and Rachael Fry have been Best Friends since Kindergarten) she stated that she was truly giving in, and that maybe if they sat next to each other they would at least stop chatting across the room! Perhaps next year the school will learn and Grace and Rachael Fry will be in separate classrooms? 
However, I have been told {by Gracelynn} that this would not matter, because they would just need to get those pushing talky things so they could talk in different places at school. 

All else is the same. I am down to volunteering only 4 of the 5 weeknights. Girl Scouts, Indian Education, and Writing are taking up most of my nights. The parenting group I was participating in facilitating ended this past Tuesday. (Relieved) I am replacing that with Cub Scouts. (Excited). Cookie season is ending too. This means it is time to start camping! Geno is not excited about any of my ventures. He wants me to stay home. I tried that. I was bored. 

Geno is still staying home and playing with the kids and the dogs and being a full time Dad. He is enjoying every minute of it. He works on the house as we come up with the cash... and he has picked up a couple of yard jobs, which is good for his psyche. 

All else is as normal as it can be with four kids and seven dogs and a family life schedule that every day compounds a little more. Let me know when the money tree is fruiting.....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

a delicate thing

To prove it is spring... My Orchid is blooming!!

Since I am normally VERY Successful in sending all plants that grow indoors to the great flower gods shortly after I start caring for them, having an orchid actually bloom in my care is something I consider a miracle.
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Due to genetic engineering and intuitive learning:
Chauney won the class egg toss with a multiple of 15 drops.... no cracks!!

Picture is the "practice" set ;o)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

For Mum... And More

Wow - Your right Mum - It has been a VERY long time since I had updated here .....

So, I won't go into the long drawn out stories right now .... I think since it was October since I last did "this thing" - I should keep it tight. Short Sin-apsis

A long month in the beginning of the year. Taxes. Figure out how to pay taxes. No - I don't get anything back. Other than that, it is too far away to remember 'zactly what as happened on this, other than the fact that I can look at my calender. But it's not that exciting. If it was, I would have posted it.

Jan 31 PM:
Emergency room visit with Chauney. Perfect way to start into the month of Feb

Has been much more eventful than Jan. I'll go by most eventful thing in the week.

First Week::
Figured out how to rearrange the budget and pay the taxes
Busy with the girls and selling girl scout cookies. (Oh ya - we've been doing that since Jan.)
Busy with Jordan fundraising for the Bend Invitational {Band Challenge}
Parenting class (I'm "Facilitating")
Putting together a slide show for Kienyn's Celebration - Sara gave me over 7K pictures to fit into a 30 minute presentation. - Sure
Trying to help with the Pow Wow for Chauney's Indian Education group
One grant needed for the Indian Ed program
Chauney may have created a fracture in her sprained wrist 'cause she doesn't think she needs to stop playing ball. I called the ped. She says, "Since she is going snow camping, we'll just x-ray her when she gets back, since she'll probably break it the rest of the way."
Girls trip to Diamond Lake -- Oh ya, I get to Snow Camp!

Ah - now to the weekend 2/6 - 2/7
A break from the marathon
Snow Camping! - With most of the girls sleeping in VERY Nice cabins. - However 3 Cadets actually slept with me in the snow. I had a blast. The girls had fun. We were able to go tubing and more. It was a great thing for the girls to be able to do, since here in our town we RARELY see snow, and it is NEVER enough for a snow man!

Then - As we were on the snow hill - I got a call from Geno.
This was our excitement for the week.
So: Ring Ring

Husband: "Are you guys having fun?" Wife: "ya -
Husband: "I got something to tell you, I wanted to tell you now. I didn't want to wait until you got home, so you'll have time to cool down. "
Wife: *hmmm..... *choice thoughts, imagery of horror and mayhem,
Husband:"I had an accident. I wrecked both vehicles. "
Wife: I had a few choice thoughts, and a few words I should not repeat. "HOW!?*?! did you do THAT?!?!***? (thoughts and images now of totaled truck and totaled van in multiple peices)
Husband: "I was hooking up the trailer, and getting out of the truck to see if the hitch was lined up with the trailer, and the truck took off, and hit the van."

so, the husband in this true story was correct. Wife DID need the 4.5 hour drive home to calm done and gather her senses

Wife: {after a few deep breaths} "Did you call the insurance?"
Husband "No"
Wife "Why"
Husband "You can do that Monday, Right, Please?"
Wife : No, You need to call them NOW. Call me back when you are done.

**According to husband** Husband: I had an accident. Assessor: Was anyone in the van." Husband: No. Assessor: Who was driving the van. Husband: No one Assessor: Who was driving the truck: Husband: No one. Assessor: So, there were no passengers and no drivers?!? Husband: No. Assessor: {stifling laugh} So, no one was driving? Husband: No Assessor: So, How did you do that? Husband: I was backing up to hook up a trailer. I got out, and I must of not put it in park or something, cause the truck just drove to the van. Assessor: This is a new one for me. Husband: Should I call the police? Assessor: No I think you've been embarrassed enough. They probably won't come for an accident on private property. ** proceeds with plans to filing multiple insurance claims in one shot, picking a body shop, and questioning if this would be one claim, or more. **

Minutes later. Husband calls back after being laughed at by insurance assessor, probably miles away

Husband: I called them, are you mad at me.
Wife: I'll decide how upset I am when I get home
Husband: Are you sure I'm not in trouble?
Wife: No

Wife, still not knowing how much damage there really is, was overheard having these conversations. Concerned Scouting Partners, ask for the story.

I re-iterated what had happened {see above}
In the process of stories of comparison, and etc...... I calmed down a bit. One friend, being a very good person and a DHS worker, said "... don't worry, if you need to send the kids home you'll know they'll be safe, and we'll bail you out...." Several comments of support and confirmation that enough money could be raised for bail.

Well - we got home. I got out. I didn't see damage - At First. So, It really wasn't that bad, right?!
Geno had pulled out the bumper on the truck. The van's headlight was busted. There were bent hoods, etc. I couldn't be too mad at that point...... cause I had prepared myself for horror.

Body shop and work

Van Estimate $1448 after deductible
Truck Estimate $2612 after deductible

Van and Truck back in commission. Praising God for Full Coverage Insurance.
We so not have the final bill yet.

No - We aren't done yet! The other days of the week/week-end
Chauney has weird bruising on her sprained/fractured wrist. Mommy worries. Chauney needs a checkup - No further breakage - She got to take her brace off because Doc thinks that's causing the bruising. And, since she uses her brace while playing sports and going snow camping and balls and more, it seems to be sensible.
Valentines day parties
Crab feed

The just past week:
Mini-Cheerleading for Janelle and Grace
Delivering cookies
Eliminating pictures for slide show .... down to 3K by Fri, showing on Sun. It was fine.
Working Still
...... and all that keeping up with kids ...... and all that other weekly stuff that I am for some reason involved in. Oh ya, they are my kids. That's the reason.

All is well. The slide show is over. We completed cookie booths for this week. The kids are still growing. We are all still alive. We survived it....

Oh ya - I guess it's not that short after all.