Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A bit ago I received a text stating that I was being removed from someone's list because I had not posted in a while.... it has been over a year since I posted I would post later... Oh well.

Then I check this little stats page that Google gives you...
* one person has checked my blog on a regular basis... probably to see if I ever update again. So, if only one person is checking up on me
* only 4 whole people read my last post
.......   - should I be doing this?
Of course, I do keep in mind that I do not really post anything that exciting...  :)
But I truly wonder and assess if blogging and facebook and etc, is worth the priority

I have had so few days in this past year and a half - that when I have actually had time to be home (other than to sleep) that I have, instead of writing, spent those precious moments with my husband, my children, and very selfishly with me, myself, and I.

And I have learned that I am doing too much, after a year and a half of 
3 Jobs (Lab, Lifeguard, Auditor), 
4 Kids 
(their activities: School, Fund Raisers, Camping, Track/Cross Country, Youth Leadership Corp, 
Band Trips, Volley Ball, Gymnastics, Walks, Movie Nights, Swimming, 
Friends, Sleepovers, Youth Groups, Riding, Parks, Beaches) 
and doctors appts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts,    
...... ETC 

that nothing can beat a good snowball fight in the middle of spring. (Mar 13, 2012)

a day watching my daughter being told she's a natural in gymnastics - and learning that she's good enough they will sponsor her - all I have to do is get her there. (still working on that)

having my daughter come home from track telling me as long as she "PR'd" she's good

knowing that my daughter would like to fly - and being told that she needs Miracle Grow (height requirement is 5'4")

or hearing my son thank his dad for packing his bag, because if he didn't he would have anything

and most of all being very thankful that on this day, 
and all those other simple days, 
our family is together.
We have a roof over our heads
And food on the table

Even though I don't always have time to enjoy it all. The time I do have is very important.

Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. ♥