Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We were SURPRISED today with a phone call then a visit from a representative of the "TRIO" Program at SOCC (Our local Community College). 

Jordan Chandler LeBlanc is now a college student
accepted into a FULL RIDE Scholarship Program..... 
Committed to our local community college for his Associates Degree. 
The program is for High School Students who are exceptional in all areas of their learning. 
He will take a "full" load of classes each summer term, 
and then be assigned classes during his normal school year. 
(This means he will have classes at High School and College during the normal school year). 
The program will allow him to graduate from SOCC and NBHS in the same year. 

And oh ya.... 
Yesterday he was awarded "Distinguished Student of the Year" 
of ALL the students enrolled in the  North Bend ORCO School Program

Friday, June 11, 2010

Cinder-Ella and the Prince of Pollution

Posted by PicasaCinder-Ella and the Prince of Pollution
Written and Produced by Mrs. Demming
Video to be posted later

Friday, June 4, 2010

Overwhelming Barrage

We currently have a barrage of things going on at our house. Throughout end of April and all of May we had Janelle's sleepover (for her 12th Birthday), me going to Conference's for work and Wood Badge, Gracelynn's sleepover (for her 8th Birthday) - mixed in with doctor's visits and tests and school work and me working and walks and .... It seems like it's all a blur.

Well, now that we are into June I feel like it will probably never end. Here we go into the last two weeks of school, planning Summer Camps and visits with friends and more. Kids just don't ever stop growing - or going.....

So, is it normal for me as a Mom to feel unwanted and lonely? I do know that I am very busy with all this stuff right now. But when someone recently told me "We didn't ask 'cause we know how busy you are" I wanted to cry. Is that what people really think. That I am too busy to take time out for me?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tropidischia Xanthostoma

Found my new pet in the bathroom at the lab.....

A cricket, commonly named camel or cave
cricket. It has an almost 5 inch leg span, and is really really cool!!

We will find this handsome bug a proper home within hte next couple of days (as soon as we figure out where it is Really supposed to live!)

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